A moment with Jennifer Lynn, author of the mystical fiction series – Bree MacLeod’s Story

Hey Jynxters,

Today we have an interview with Jennifer Lynn, author of the – Bree MacLeod’s Story. Jennifer is also a Vibrational Medicine Practitioner, Soul Healer and a
Minister of the Circle of the Sacred Earth. Color me intrigued!

Let’s hear from Jennifer.

You’re a writer, why would you do that to yourself?
What can I say… it just happened. I’ve written poetry since I was very young. The fiction piece claimed me much later. Oh, I fought it. The original draft of Being Here, my first fiction novel, sat in hard-drive darkness for almost six years before a friend’s encouragement granted it a reprieve. Honestly, I don’t often have a choice. Spirit whispers the story in my ear and I must write it down.

2. How would you best describe the genre you chose to write?
I write mystical fiction, a new genre of my own naming. My stories unfold where visionary fiction, speculative fiction and literary fiction meet the metaphysical explorations of shamanism and Celtic mysticism. They let you glimpse through the eyes of a modern-day shaman and touch the magic and mystery of the Otherworld.

3. Do you write in only one genre or do you have more strings to your bow?
Mystical fiction is my current passion, but I am much better known for my poetry. And I have a non-fiction book, A Year and a Day, coming soon from Soul Song Press.

4. Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.
Bree MacLeod is a modern-day shaman of Irish and Scottish lineages. Born in Ireland, raised between Nova Scotia and Seattle, she lives with one foot in This World and one in the Otherworld, and she communes freely with both. She loves good coffee, square-toed boots and dragon tee shirts.

5.  Was/is your relationship with your MC a fun one, or did they give you any problems?
Bree is a strong woman and very much has a mind of her own. As a Bean feasa, a wise woman, she understands the importance of right timing. So, I don’t always get a say in how—or when—the writing flows. But we get along quite well. We understand each other’s worlds.

6. When writing, are you a fan of a fast food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?
Life is too short for bad food. No, seriously.

7. Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)
Like I said, I write the story of Bree MacLeod, a modern-day shaman of Irish and Scottish lineages. The books are all written in her voice, from her perspective, so you get to see and experience everything she does as she engages with her Allies and moves through This World and the Otherworld. The series consists of three books—so far—and each book explores a mystical or metaphysical concept through story. So, Bree and the other characters are fictional, but the content is not. Being Here begins the series, followed by Coming Home and the most recent addition The Chalice and the Blade, but you can start wherever you feel called. All three are available on Bookshop.org, Amazon.com, and BarnesandNoble.com.

8. How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?
Far more than I like or enjoy. Face-to-face networking, including book events and signings, I absolutely love. Nothing better than meeting Bree MacLeod fans and introducing new readers to her story! But cultivating a social media presence, well… I may grow to enjoy it someday. What can I say—my brain just doesn’t work that way.

9. Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self publishing?
Attend presentations, seminars, webinars and learn what other people do. Then, figure out what works for you. Don’t be afraid to chuck what the “experts” say you must do into the trash. Writing, marketing and publishing are not one-size-fits-all processes. Dare to be you. Live your wyrd and the way will open.

10. Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?
Many years ago now, a woman started telling me her story. At the time, I thought she was an ancestor of mine. You see, as part of my shamanic practice, I visit with my ancestors often and allow them to recount the story of my bloodline I most need to hear. The practice is deeply healing, for them and for me. But as the woman’s story unfolded, I realized it occurred in modern times. Once I gave into the compulsion and wrote her telling down, the rough draft of Being Here was born.

My other storylines have arrived by similar means. The main character begins whispering to me. I can listen for a while, even ask questions. Then, the compulsion arrives and I must write.

11. Plotter or Pantser? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener?
A little bit of both. I get what I call downloads, in which large sections of a story—or the entire story—suddenly appear, fully-formed, in my mind. When a download comes, I am compelled to sit and type furiously until I get it noted in whatever form I can. Doesn’t matter what time of day or night it comes. I simply must write down the information. At these moments, I am grateful my iPad allows me to write in the dark.

Later, I pull out my download notes and craft the story for actual readers. The plotter can make an appearance then, building connections between scenes, layering references and images, and adapting dialogue and settings from my own life. But a lot of that is download, too. I can almost hear Bree whispering in my ear, summoning the images for me to find and modify for the story.

12.  Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?
My debut non-fiction book, A Year and a Day, is due out this year from Soul Song Press! Adapted from a workshop I taught for over a decade, the book presents the mysteries, teachings and realities of the Celtic Wheel of Life.A Year and a Daywalks mystical practitioners through the living reality of the year, offering practices and reflections to explore the seasons, the environment, the Self, and the borders that blur between them.

13. How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your time).
Facebook: FB.me/ThroughShamansEyes
Instagram: @jlynnthroughshamanseyes
Pinterest: @ThroughShamansEyes
YouTube: Through Shamans Eyes with JenniferLynn
website: www.ThroughShamansEyes.wordpress.com

Thanks Jennifer that was awesome and I really appreciate your time.

I can’t wait to read what you do next.

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

A moment with authors, David Charles Smith & John A Smith, creators of the novel – The Village That Fell Into Hell.

Hey Jynxters,

Today we have an interview with brothers, David and John Smith, who co-wrote the horror novel – The Village that Fell into Hell.

As a fellow Horror writer, I can’t wait to get my teeth into this one! (Pun intended)

Over to you, gentlemen,

1. You’re writer’s, why would you do that to yourself?

That’s a hard question to start off with, so here it goes.

We grew up in a small town, where we still live to this day. Dursley, Gloucestershire is a quaint little town with lots of interesting history, but for two teenagers such as us there were few opportunities for those who left school with no qualifications.

But what we lacked in brains we made up for with our imaginations. To be honest, neither of us thought in our wildest dreams that one; we would write a novel together and two; that it would take 20 years of time-consuming heartache to reach our goal.

In our defence, during that period the story and the title had changed its guise many times.

We reached out to three massive British authors who are still going strong today for advice, and to our surprise they offered us some advice and encouragement, something we will never forget. Anyway, once we had finished the manuscript, we edited it and polished it up the best we could. Then, it was all about getting a publisher to accept our pride and joy, but all we got coming our way was rejection after rejection. We had so many rejection slips that we could have wallpapered a room with them.

You can imagine how we were feeling, because no doubt many of you out there have been in the same boat. Finally, we decided that it would never happen for us, and so with sinking hearts we gave up the dream. A few years later our oldest sister passed away unexpectedly and out of our sadness at losing a wonderful sister we realised that time was too short so with new hope and vigour we stripped the story back and changing the title we venture forward with a spring in our step. Our mum would remind us that she would be no doubt dead and buried long before this book would ever see the light of day. Unfortunately, she was right, and passed away a few months before we finished it. But she had one last final say on the matter because a year after Olympia Publishers ltd had accepted it, our first novel came out on the day of her birthday.

Something that will always hold dear in our hearts…  

2. How would you best describe the genre you chose to write in?

It has to be Supernatural horror.

3. Do you write in only one genre or do you have more strings to your bow?

Dave wants to stick with what he knows, which is horror, where I have a few ideas swirling around in my head that are fantasy based. But at the moment we want to spend our time concentrated on what we are doing at the moment. But we will see.

4. Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.

We have two principal characters in the story.

John Card and his brother David.

Our characters are like yin and yang. One brother wants to save the world using love and kindness. While the other has a blackness within him that is fighting to break free of the shackles that have restrained him for far too long. Throughout the story David fights with his subconscious but the only thing stopping this darkness surfacing, is the love of his mother.

Who will win is another matter!     

5. Was/is your relationship with your MC a fun one, or did they give you any problems?

To be honest, we have loved running with these characters, probably because even though they are brothers, they are so much different from each other. Very much like me and Dave. Same parents, but different attitudes towards life.

 6. When writing, are you a fans of a fast food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?

Whilst both of us like the odd bit of fast food such as that famous brand of chicken you can get. All fast food is okay in moderation, but we would still rather a wonderful home cooked meal instead.

  7. Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)

Want a page turner that is not just for Halloween, then our novel is right up your alley. Be warned though, you could find it a disturbing experience where the shadows will not seem like shadows anymore but something; someone else could be lurking there, waiting…

  8. In our crazy COVID world, what keeps you both focused on your WIP?

It has made little or no difference other than we see little of each other at the moment like we used to. When we are working on a project, we work separately before coming together at certain parts of the story to convey our ideas to each other. Both of us have regular jobs and have been working through COVID right from the very beginning, anyway.

9. How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?

There are many FB page groups out there that we are members of which help you promote your book for free, but it is still very hard because so many people are doing exactly the same thing, but we will keep trying.

10. Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self-publishing?

This is tricky one because we are still working on the best way to promote our own novel. We are of an older generation and find it a little overwhelming when using social media, but our suggestion would have to be; find FB groups that are ideal to promote your work and also search for those groups who deal in your chosen genre and use these as a base camp. Amazon is a great platform for new authors who want to get into self-publishing. For us that wasn’t the way we wanted to go, and so we stuck to our guns even when other suggested that we should look at self-publishing.

11. Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?

There are a few ways that we have accumulated our ideas. Sometimes we have found that they crop up during a session whilst we are think-tanking parts for another project we are working on. Then there are those dreams, in our case; nightmares, that rarely make any sense, but if you tap into and break them down, look beyond what your subconscious is showing you, there can be a wealth of ideas waiting for you. If all else fails, we have a friend whom is a spiritual medium. We tap into his knowledge of the spiritual realm and syphon some ideas from there. Which is what we did to create our novel: ‘The Village That Fell into Hell?’

12. Plotter or Pantzer? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener?

Thinking about it, I guess we are both.

We start off with all good intentions of using a plot, and we do for a little while, until we read back through the chapters we have written. It is there where we find other things within the plot, we feel the need to explore a little more. It is then that we allow the writing to take us on its own journey until there is an outcome that we are happy with.  

13. Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?

 Projects! How long have you got?

We have a file full of ideas and titles. Not all of them have stories attached to them. But they are there, waiting in the wings.

There are a few projects on the go at the moment. Dave is working on the sequel to; ‘The Village That Fell into Hell.’ He will do this until such a time after a certain amount of chapters that he will pass them over to me and then I will go through them and add my spin to them and add extra chapters if it should so happen before giving them back to him with all the changes in place.

I am working on another project, which was to be the start of a collection of short stories we are gathering together. The issue I had with that was that it started out as a short story but has now grown into a novella or possibly a short novel. Only time will tell on that one. 

14. How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your time).  




Thanks Gents! That was great!

Tune in on Monday when we have an interview with author Jennifer Lynn

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

A moment with Christina Engela, author of the Galaxii series, the Quantum series, Panic! Horror In Space, Space Sucks, along with many more!

Hey Jynxters,

I’m super excited today as I get to interview a fellow South African! We are a nation of story tellers and each of us is talented beyond belief, I may also be a little biased here, lol.

Anyway, down to business, over to you Christina.

  1. You’re a writer, why would you do that to yourself?

I’ve been writing stories ever since I could hold a wax crayon! It’s more than just a hobby, it’s almost a compulsion! I love storytelling, creating characters and the world-building aspect of writing a series! I mean, in spite of the massive workload a writing career brings, the additional burden of marketing and promotion of the finished works is just… Um, come to think of it, that does sound a bit obsessive doesn’t it? Er… perhaps I should seek professional help! Any recommendations?

2. How would you best describe the genre you chose to write in?

Perhaps the best, most suitable genre description I’ve found thus far is ‘transgressive fiction’ – but not every bookstore or publishing platform includes that option. I feel that fits, because my writing tends to challenge the status quo, or points out the areas where the world fails us on a compassionate or humanitarian level, while simultaneously telling a kick-ass, entertaining story! What’s nice about my writing, I feel, is that it appeals across a wide age group. I don’t write specifically for any age group – just for the discerning, hungry intelligent mind!

3. Do you write in only one genre or do you have more strings to your bow?

I’ve always considered myself a science fiction writer, but in the last few years I also ventured into the field of horror, and I have to say I enjoy combining the two. “Demonspawn” – the story just released as an audiobook yesterday – is a good example of this, where one reviewer described the story as “Event Horizon meets Alien”! I love that – I think it’s really flattering!

4. Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.

I already have so many main characters, which makes it’s hard to pick! If I have to choose one though, it would have to be Gary Beck, a.k.a. Beck the Badfeller. He’s one of the main characters from the Quantum Series, and features in 5 of the 6 titles in that series that have been published so far.

He’s a bounty-hunter, and is celebrated as Atro-City’s most famous sun – the best bounty-hunter who ever lived, rumored to be so good at his job that he could find the missing day in a leap-year. He has a conscience, and prefers to bring his bounties back alive, even if he says it’s just because dead people are harder to carry.

He was called the Badfeller not because he’s a tough hombre or a bad guy, but because when he was little, he showed poor aptitude for felling trees. Sure he can laugh about it now, but his dad’s boss had to be freed from what was left of his brand new SUV with the Jaws of Life after a tree young Gary accidentally cut down while trying to show off to his dad at work, fell on it! He also spent a lot of time running!

He’s based on parts of several real people I knew, including a former fiancé and a former brother-in-law. (Ssh – don’t tell them!)

Gary’s completely heteronormative, and has fallen head over heels in love with Cindy-Mei Winter, another main character from the same series. She’sa former Colonial Intelligence Agency …er, agent,who came to Deanna to start afresh and to get away from her transgender past.

Gary Beck, when he was still single, spent a lot of his free time alone. His favorite haunt at that time was a bar called ‘The Shock Diamond’, which was named after the diamond flare visible in the exhaust of a rocket while it takes off.

Since book 2, “The Time Saving Agency”, Gary has also been a casual or freelance agent for the Time Saving Agency, and gets called in to assist Senior Time Agent Jonathan Scrooby from time to time. This results in he and Cindy-Mei taking front place in the latest books in the series, and in stories awaiting completion!

5. Was/is your relationship with your MC a fun one, or did they give you any problems?

I’ve had an incredible amount of fun writing Gary Beck. Often I would work on my stories in quiet spells at work and then randomly burst out laughing at something or other they did in the story – much to the surprise of coworkers! Of course then I’d have to read it to them, or explain it to them, and they usually thought I was off my meds, but I enjoyed it immensely.

The great Terry Pratchett said “writing is the most fun you can have by yourself.” I’d like to take that a little further by saying: “If your writing doesn’t make you spontaneously burst out laughing, cry your heart out, or leave you with gooseflesh, then you’re not doing it right.”

6. When writing, are you a fan of a fast food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?

Eat? I sometimes completely forget to eat while I’m in the middle of a writing binge! If it weren’t for my better half reminding me to eat my dinner before it gets cold, or inserting a plate of food under my nose while I type and sternly telling me to fill my face, I’d probably be able to fit into last decade’s clothing again! What I do like a lot of while writing is coffee – by the flagon!

7. Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)

Hello, you don’t know me, but I’m an author and I’d like to tell you about my books! There’re thirty of them, and they’re really good… I’ve had some very flattering reviews… Wait, why are you backing away from me? I mean you no… Wait! No, please don’t spray me with that! No! Not the mace! Please, no! Not the mace! Not the mace!

8. In our crazy COVID world, what keeps you focused on your WIP?

Ignoring hysterical radio and TV news altogether in favor of mainstream newspaper news online helps to limit most of the insanity in my exposure to the outside world! Also, it’s far easier to just block trolls and doomsayers on social media than to argue with them, or to see the insane conspiracy theory crap they post in my ‘news’ feed – which would be constant otherwise. This reduction in worry and trauma-induced stress helps me to retain enough of a creative mindset to keep focused on my writing!

9. How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?

I try to share a poster or link to a book at least once a weekday to numerous Facebook groups, Twitter, LinkedIn and a few other places. I’ve also put out a monthly newsletter from my website since February 2017, as well as releases for each new book or audiobook release. I find marketing a challenge, honestly – I never did any marketing courses or such, I’ve had to learn what I know from experience and it’s a constantly changing dynamic, very fluid. What works one month might not work the next month because Facebook or Twitter might change a filter or make certain posts less visible than previously.

10. Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self-publishing?

Just off the top of my head, I would suggest a newbie indie author should ensure their story is really, truly finished before starting the publishing process. By that I mean they should make sure the story flows properly. Check the grammar and spellcheck the text. Have a friend or relative read through it to provide a fresh perspective. Make sure there are no glaring continuity errors or contradictions or inconsistencies. If the story is below the appropriate word-count for a novel, for instance, bulk it out and expand areas of the story without putting in too much fluff or waffle. If doing the self-publishing work themselves, they should look for a formatting standard or template for Word so they can format their manuscript in a way that won’t result in error messages from whichever platform they choose to go with (Smashwords is a good example) and delays.

Once they’ve done all that, they need to look at cover design for eBook and print formats – and the best advice I can offer there is to be creative! This is your story, your brand – make it uniquely yours! There are plenty of entities on the internet offering free-use images that can make brilliant book covers.

Also, avoid the ‘traps’ out there. Not everyone who sends you an email telling you how much they like your new book and offering you a publishing ‘deal’ is what they claim to be – most aren’t. Avoid the ‘vanity press’ guys who expect the author to pay thousands of $$$ for them to publish your work! Real publishers don’t charge the author just to publish their books! If you go down that path, you will very likely end up regretting it.

11. Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?

Believe it or not, that’s a hard question to answer! Inspiration is all around us after all! For me it’s important to tell a story that entertains and even challenges the reader. I try to be as unpredictable as I can because I feel if the reader thinks they know where the story is headed, they will get bored and lose interest. I’ve often referred to my warped sense of humor, a couple of friends off their meds – and having too much time to myself as a child – as being key factors in the way I interpret the world around me!

I’ve always been a sci-fi fan, particularly Star Trek, Star Wars, Buck Rogers, Space 1999 – you know, the classics! In reading, it was Harry Harrison in particular – and Terry Pratchett who filled my head with strange things… still, it doesn’t quite explain how I came up with some of my story elements or scenarios!

For example, few people expected to see vampires in my sci-fi short story “The Thirteenth Ship” (the characters didn’t see it coming either) and probably even fewer expected the character of Fred in “Black Sunrise” to be a walking, talking sentient alien plant who walks about carrying his own pot! The planet Deanna for instance, is somewhat sarcastically referred to across the Terran Empire as “the center of the galaxy as far as weirdness is concerned” – since one of its small moons falls down occasionally, and gets put back in orbit by the tourism office!

It’s quite concerning really, I mean, ideas like that don’t just grow on trees you know! 😉

12. Plotter or Pantser? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener?

Most of the time, I develop a story in thought before even setting down a single word. I work out a rough plot and characters and settings etc. then develop this plot in more detail, and then start working on the actual story. In terms of my series however, it’s easier because I essentially continue the story featuring the same characters and settings and just have to develop the actual plot. I confess that on occasion, I’ve actually foregone the plot development stage altogether and just winged it from beginning to end – and oddly enough, this worked out perfectly since I did all that in my head as I worked on my story, leading me to understand that sometimes stories will simply tell themselves. I love my characters – they’re like children to me, perhaps because I put so much of myself into them – good and bad.

13.  Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?

Yes, there is as a matter of fact! Over the last year or so, I’ve worked closely with Brandon Mullins of Moon Books Publishing, an American small press, and with their assistance I’ve been able to release some of my books in audiobook format! Four are already out so far – three of my own and one I was the Editor for!

Today in fact, book two in the Galaxii Series “Demonspawn” was released on Audible and I’m very excited about that – it was narrated by Nigel Peever, who’s a really dynamic fellow! Not only is he a stunning audiobook narrator and character actor, he’s also an actor who’s appeared in movies, TV and on stage! He also narrated book 1, “Blachart”, released in July, which has already proved very popular in terms of sales! He will be working on book 3 in the new year. In the meantime,I’m currently working on book 4 in that same series to have it ready for when he’s done with that one!

I’m also waiting on the imminent release of “Malice!” a horror collection read by Michelle Innes – a wonderful Scottish narrator whose accent gives me goosebumps!

I have a string of projects still awaiting completion, so I work on one for a while, then another, and eventually I finish one. Often though, I will drop everything to start and finish another story in the space of a month – as in the case of “Mirror, Mirror” and “Lifetime” for example.

There will be more of my books coming out in audiobook form this year – so stay tuned!

14. How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your time).

View all my available books, paperbacks, eBooks and audiobooks on my official author site: https://christinaengela.wordpress.com/ or visit the following pages to view titles in my series:

The Galaxii Series: http://christinaengela.com/bibliography/novels/the-galaxii-series/

The Quantum Series: http://christinaengela.com/bibliography/novels/the-quantum-series/

Panic! Horror In Space: http://christinaengela.com/bibliography/novels/about-panic-horror-in-space/

Space Sucks!:https://www.smashwords.com/books/byseries/47770

Audiobooks: https://www.audible.com/author/Christina-Engela/B00OBY5PD8

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Christina-Engela/e/B00OBY5PD8/

More social media links:

FacebookTwitter | LinkedIn | Academia | Minds | Instagram | GoodReads | Author’s Database | Library Thing | YouTube | Pintrest | Stage32 | The Book Marketing Network

Thanks Christina, that was awesome, and some great insight in there!

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

Check you soon, Jynxters!

A moment with Valentia Moliko, author of Open the Eyes of my Heart

Hey Jynxters!

Today’s interview is with Valentia Moliko, author of Open the Eyes of my Heart. A personal journey into finding God in today’s world.

Let’s dive right on in,

  1. You’re a writer, why would you do that to yourself?

I didn’t choose to be a writer, however I was searching for my purpose in this world then God showed me the Bible. The Holy Spirit manifested in me and took control, He advised and guided me on what to write and how to write it. That’s how I became a writer.

2. How would you best describe the genre you chose to write in?

 I write nonfiction, spirituality and religion. I write about my trials and tribulations. I write about my experiences and expertise and by so doing, am proclaiming the word of God. Telling the whole world about the goodness of God is my purpose.

3. Do you write in only one genre or do you have more strings to your bow?

I’ve written fiction based on a true story but it’s not yet published.

4. Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.

I am the main character and what’s interesting is that I see things that no one can see. God said that we should trust in Him and He will show us the things that we knew nothing about. He kept His promises because He is not a man to lie.

5. When writing, are you a fan of a fast-food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?

I’d be lying if I said I stick to healthy option on the menu, I like fast food.I write faster when I’m waiting fora pizza delivery.

6. Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)

My book is about how I found God, how I found my purpose in life. God opened the eyes of my heart so I could see His secrets and now, my job is to help other people find their purposes through Jesus Christ our king. Through storms and hardships, I never stopped seeking God and I don’t regret it because I’ve found what I was looking for. I’ve found God and He gave me what He promised, The gift of Holy Spirit.By proclaiming His word I’m  trying to win souls, that’s part of my purpose.

7. In our crazy COVID world, what keeps you focused on your WIP?

Reading books is helping me to focus and motivates me to be consistent. When I feel am gonna drop the ball I purchase books to gain inspiration from other authors and reading my Bible plays a big role in keeping me focused.

8. How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?

I’ve been busy with my IT course so I haven’t had much time to working on building a successful social media platform but am glad I’ve finished my course and now I’ll be spending quality of time marketing my books.

9. Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self-publishing?

I haven’t self publish yet but I have finished projects which I’m planning to self publish but I’ve been procrastinating which I don’t advise new authors to do because time is ticking and the world awaits to hear from you. You have to know your target market that’s the first step to take, and then build a platform where you gather your readers, such as Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter etc. You can even hire someone professional to promote your book for you if you can afford that, it’s about using what you have to get what you want and always put God first.

10. Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?

They originate from my life, my trials and tribulations, and my experiences and expertise.

11. Plotter or Pantser? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener?

Pantser, I don’t plot and when I do, I find it hard to stick to the plan so I just write and go whatever direction where the story leads me and I find it much easier that way.

12.  Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?

I’ve finished my novel, it’s Sci-Fi-fantasy but am not sure if I should publish it because it’s not in the line with my previous projectsbut hopefully am going to publish it before the end of the year.

13. How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your time).



Thanks Motlalepule, that was very insightful!

Tune in on Friday for a moment with Sara Louisa, author of Just Drive.

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

A moment with CL Barber, author of the Chronicles of Kilion series, Keeper of the Keystone & Key to Dragon Falls.

Hey Jynxters!

Today’s interview is with fantasy writer, CL Barber – author of the Chroniclers of Kilion series.

Let’s hear from Cindy.

You’re a writer, why would you do that to yourself?

When you’re brimming with ideas, with characters who gradually become a part of you, being a writer isn’t an option. Like most authors, I can’t rest until I have written down my ideas and started breathing life into them. The biggest problem for me is having too many ideas, with not enough time for them all to explored and turned into books, which is frustrating. As an Assistant Principal and mother of two, I spend so much time rushing around that when I do have time to myself, I love to write. It is not only relaxing, but provides me with the opportunity to create my own world which I can lose myself in.

2. How would you best describe the genre you chose to write in?

I have been planning and writing my fantasy fiction series, the Chronicles of Kilion, since I was nineteen. Like many of this genre, such as Harry Potter and the Dark Materials trilogy, my books are aimed at all ages, from 10 upwards. I have published two books, ‘Keeper of the Keystone,’ and ‘Key to Dragon Falls,’ and am currently half way through the third in the series. This fantasy fiction series has been my passion for over twenty years. However, although they are fantasy books, I have used my experience as a teacher and mother to create characters who face their own trials and issues, so that they are realistic and relatable.

3. Do you write in only one genre or do you have more strings to your bow?

I have written both short stories and poetry and won some local competitions in these areas. I am also writing a historical book, which is aimed at GCSE students. This is designed to be both enjoyable, as well as a way of teaching my students about the lives of key people in history to help them retain information. My last project is a book on Teaching and Learning, using work from my Masters in Education and research, which is for teachers who haven’t got the time to commit to reading the plethora of work produced on helping classroom practice.

4. Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.

My main character’s father went missing the night before his first birthday, and although the case remains unsolved, some believe his disappearance may be linked to a triple murder which occurred the same night. His mother is so poor, that not only does he possess no technology at home, but even his watch strap is held together by a safety pin. After receiving a gift from an old relative, Michael finds himself in a strange country where he faces plots against his life, has his memory taken from him and is forced to face a dragon in order to help a relative who was stabbed in front of him.

5.  Was/is your relationship with your MC a fun one, or did they give you any problems?

My relationship with my main character is now 24 years old. He has evolved as I have and I feel a very close connection to him. He is bullied at school, just as I was, and finds sticking up for himself difficult as I also did. He has a strong bond with his mother and close friends which gives him the strength to overcome his issues, which was easy to write as my family has always been close and I have always been fortunate enough to have close friends I can rely on. Overall, the relationship with my main character has been enjoyable.

6. When writing, are you a fan of a fast food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?

When writing, generally when down to me, I will resort to fast and convenient food. When I lived alone, to allow myself time to work and write, I would often opt for takeaways and unhealthy snacks. Fortunately I have a very supportive husband who cooks healthy meals for the family. However, even now when it is late at night and I am still writing, I will reach for a chocolate bar or some sweets to help me keep awake.

7. Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)

Having escaped a world of bullies, and finding himself thrust into a land of magic and intrigue, Michael is forced to continue his fight to live. Having survived Dragon Falls, he needs to protect himself against those those who want him dead, decide whether the crown of Kilion is worth dying for, and take centre stage in the battle against Zindegrot’s ancestors, who, upon hearing of the King’s death, descend upon Kilion to unleash their fury. With civil war erupting, no-one is safe. So when all three rings are finally united, the fight to control life, death and knowledge begins.

8. In our crazy COVID world, what keeps you focused on your WIP?

During Covid I have maintained my work as Assistant Principal while also home-schooling my 8 and 6 year old sons. With so much work and teaching, the release of writing and working with my characters, watching them evolve and the story unfold, has provided me with a great sense of release and satisfaction, allowing me to relax after a long day.

9. How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?

Marketing is very difficult. Even though I’m on my third book, I am still learning as I am going. I mainly market my book during school holidays and at weekends. However, for many authors who, like myself, have a job and family as well as writing, striking a balance between writing and marketing in their spare time is incredibly difficult. I have spent quite a lot of time over the summer focusing on marketing, but there are so many good authors out there and so much to know, that it could take hours each day if I allowed it to.

10. Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self publishing?

I would say make sure you build up a following before publishing, on facebook, instagram, twitter or any other sites you use. Join Facebook groups to work out how other authors promote their work and what sells. There are lots of free training courses which will provide tips on how to market your book, which are worth watching. Also, shop around, ask for advice and make sure that whoever you choose to help you, whether it is with the editing of your book or helping with promotion, that they have references guaranteeing the quality of their work.

11. Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?

My ideas originate at different times from different places. I thought of the original idea for my Chronicles of Kilion series while travelling on a train to and from work in London. However, the first couple of scenes I didn’t think of until later while watching the death of Boromir in Lord of the Rings at the cinema, I rushed out of the auditorium at that point in the film to write it down before I forgot it. While I swam in a large, beautiful lake with rock pools during my time backpacking around Australia, I pictured the scene which was to feature in Dragon Falls later on. I always had a notepad close by, but now I keep my phone with me so I can message ideas to myself.

12. Plotter or Pantser? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener?

Architect most definitely. I have each chapter outlined before I start writing my book. However, as I get involved in my characters and the plot, I do deviate. In my second book I got so caught up in the storyline and plot that I ended up killing off one of the main character’s. This had a huge impact on my third book which I am currently writing. For this book however, I am still undecided as to how it ends, so have currently left it open to allow my imagination and emotions to work overtime as I get closer to the climax.

13.  Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?

Firstly, from the 15th September I am giving away my first book for free on kindle. However, the project I am most excited about is a competition I am running which I think is unlike anything I have heard of in the writing world.

After reading my first book (free to download for three days from 15th September,) I am running a special competition. People are invited to create their own character for my series of books which they can describe in 350 words or less. They are to include information on their appearance, personality, and whom they would either be friends with or an enemy of. Entries are to be sent to my e-mail by 1st December. The winner will receive signed copies of my three books, have their character featured in my third book and will be credited with the creation of the character at the front of the book. If the winner is a student, the name of the school they attend will also be mentioned and will also receive signed copies of the three books.

14. How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your time).

CLBarber (facebook author page)

Cindybarber1977 – Instagram

CLBarber@clbarber1977 – twitter

https://anchor.fm/cindy-barber9 – podcast

CLBarber 1977 – youtube channel

www.clbarber.co.uk – website

clbarber1977@outlook.com – email

Thanks Cindy, that was awesome!

Check in on Wednesday when we have an interview with Motlalepule Moliko, author of, Open the Eyes of my Heart.

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

A moment with Sanjeev Kumar Jain, author of – Consciousness Explained Scientifically by Substance Dualism: Demonstrates the Existence of the Soul and God.

Hey Jynxters,

Today’s interview is with non-fiction author Sanjeev Kumar Jain. I was quite intrigued with the blurb for his book, especially when I read “This book describes and explains consciousness comprehensively.” Color me interested!

Let’s here from Sanjeev.

You’re a writer, why would you do that to yourself?

I have been in the habit of writing one-page daily diary. When something interesting happens in the field of science and technology mainly, I generally write in my diary. I was interested in the topic of consciousness since long. I have always felt that we have souls but literature spoke about interaction problem and therefore no soul kind of thing. One fine day I got the idea of how the soul might be interacting and I found myself with an interesting idea to build up a theory of consciousness. And I decided to write my ideas in the shape of a book. I did my research work for the book and thus brought out this book.

  • How would you best describe the genre you chose to write in?

It is nonfiction. It is about the philosophy of mind and particularly mind-body problem viewed from a scientific angle. It provides the solution based on dualism that we have souls and offers a possible solution to the origin of life and also leads to God.

  • Do you write in only one genre or do you have more strings to your bow?

This is my first book. I shall try other books also but nonfiction only.

  • Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.

The main thing about my book is that it demonstrably shows that the soul exists and it explains consciousness as a faculty of the soul. It also leads to offer an explanation for the origin of life and also leads to God.

  • Was/is your relationship with your MC a fun one, or did they give you any problems?

Since I had a great idea of establishing soul and God in my theory of consciousness, I could pile up some courage to present it in a book shape.

  • When writing, are you a fan of a fast food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?

I am in habit of taking tea while writing. It gives you a pause to think and consolidate your thoughts for writing.

  • Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)

Consciousness is the second topmost mystery unanswered by science. Consciousness is what makes us see colours, hear music, smell roses and taste chocolate. It is in our consciousness that we feel pain or pleasure. Consciousness is so important for our existence yet science is not able to explain it. Science has rejected dualism due to the interaction problem of the soul with the matter. In this book, I am able to postulate an interacting soul that solves the hard problem of consciousness and provides an explanation for all aspects of consciousness. It also leads me to offer an explanation for the origin of life and also leads to God. Therefore, this book should be read by all.

  • In our crazy COVID world, what keeps you focused on your WIP?

In COVID times, I am able to devote time on social media for marketing my book consciousness explained. Although I fear that if I catch corona then it will be very difficult to manage. I hope, a vaccine will be available in early next year.

  • How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?

I check on Facebook and YouTube regularly and it keeps me busy.

  1. Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self publishing?

New authors taking the self-publishing route should become members of writers and readers group on Facebook. However, it is their own contact networks of extended family and friends, who can give them a root for marketing.

  1. Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?

I have been interested in consciousness as such. I have been updating myself with science and technology news. I happened to teach science subjects to my sons in their school times. I had my personal experience with God. Then a fine day idea came from my inside and I could build a theory of consciousness based on soul. I had to do a lot of research for the topic to present it in a book shape.

  1. Plotter or Pantser? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener?

Some prior sketch or idea that you want to put in the book is required. Then flow with the theme.

  1. Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?

I am trying to write on the importance of skills and labour. I am excited that I have an important idea there.

  1. How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your time).

I have put a video about my book on YouTube-

               Consciousness explained by scientific soul

Book links:


Title: Consciousness Explained Scientifically by Substance Dualism:

          Demonstrates the Existence of the Soul and God

Thanks Sanjeev, food for thought indeed!

Tune back in on Monday the 21st when we have an interview with Cindy Barber, author of Chronicles of Kilion’ series, ‘Keeper of the Keystone’.

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

A Moment with P J Reed, author of the paranormal detective series – Welcome To Witherleigh

Today we have a moment with P J Reed, author of Welcome to Withleigh and the prequel series of short horror stories, Bad Decisions.

So, down to business.

1. You’re a writer, why would you do that to yourself? 

I am a writer because it is what I do all day, everyday. I have to write because it is part of my existence. I love to create new worlds and characters and go on adventures with them. 

2. How would you best describe the genre you chose to write in? 

I am a multi-genre author so my writing is very varied. I write all my genres under one name, even though other multi-genre authors use a different nom-de-plume for each genre.

My readers are intelligent enough to work out the genre of the book by its front cover and blurb. My Bad Decisions eBook stories are a selection of horror stories. Most of the horror I write about is psychological horror because I feel the greatest horror experience I can give people is to engage their mind and feed into their inner fears. 

I write dark high fantasy. I create new worlds and fill them with magic and epic battles between rival countries. 

I also write the Richard Radcliffe paranormal investigations series. It is dark humoured paranormal writing with elements of folk horror – the supernatural, demons, and curses. I enjoy writing about Richard because even though he saves whole villages, he is a social misfit and gets himself into all sorts of awkward situations, particularly with women. 

3. Do you write in only one style or do you have more strings to your bow? 

Since the lockdown began I have been experimenting with my writing. All my literary festivals for 2020 were cancelled so I had a wonderful opportunity to concentrate on my writing. Subsequently, I decided to indulge in a massive genre switch and I began to write sit-com short plays and character driven monologues. It is always an amazing experience when you see someone else performing your work, and usually so much better than I do myself. Apart from horror, high fantasy and sit-coms my main style of writing is poetry. I am probably best known for my haiku poetry – an ancient Japanese poetry form recording pictures or memories of nature written in a set 5-7-5 syllable structure on 3 lines. You can create simple, beautiful pictures using only a few words, and I think it is like painting uses words as your paint.

4. Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.

The main character in ‘Welcome To Witherleigh’  is Richard Radcliffe, son of the great evangelical minister Reverend Radcliffe. He had to leave seminary college because of an ‘incident,’ when he began to see ghosts and his life descended into chaos. He has no luck with girls but tries hard to please even though he always ends up saying the wrong things. However, he is fearless and a gifted paranormal investigator.

5.  Was/is your relationship with your MC a fun one, or did they give you any problems?

My writing style is to let the characters tell me their story and I just write it down. I found some of the situations Richard got into were very funny and quite shocking to some people. On the whole, I had great fun writing about his adventures.

6. When writing, are you a fan of a fast food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?

Healthy option plus chocolates…

7. Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)

Mercia is being overrun by the Dunmuirkin. One warlock stands between them and the Mercian people. Will he stand and fight for a land that turned their back on him or turn traitor and join the warlock invaders.

8. In our crazy COVID world, what keeps you focused on your WIP?

I have people waiting for the next installments and I do not want to keep them waiting for more time than is necessary. 

9. How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?

My publishing contact says I do 3 hours of social media marketing per day. However, I do about half an hour as I would prefer to be writing but don’t tell anyone!

10. Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self publishing?

Before signing a contract, no matter how good it looks, take it to your writers trade union and have their lawyers read it.

11. Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?

Characters just randomly walk into my thoughts.

12. Plotter or Pantser? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener? 


13.  Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?

My two novels are both very exciting – at least to me. One is a prequel to ‘Welcome To Witherleigh’ and features the womanising vicar from ‘Welcome To Witherleigh’ and tells how he descended into his wicked ways of fornication, drinking, and ‘borrowing’ money from the church funds.

My second book this year is my dark high fantasy novel. I find writing that very exciting because it is full of magic and epic battles.

14. How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your time).

Horror/ Paranormal  – https://pjreedwriting.wixsite.com/horror

Poetry – https://pjreedwriting.wixsite.com/poetry

Fantasy – https://pjreedwriting.wixsite.com/fantasy

Twitter – https://twitter.com/PJReed_author

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/p.j.reedauthor

That was a great interview, thank so much P J. Tune in on Friday the 18th for a moment with Sanjeev Jain, author of – Consciousness Explained Scientifically by Substance Dualism: Demonstrates the Existence of the Soul and God.

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

A moment with Cye Thomas, author of – EARTH DOOR

Hey Jynxters,

Today we have an interview with Cye Thomas author of – EARTH DOOR, a sci fi thriller set against the backdrop of Stonehenge.

So down to business!

  1. You’re a writer, why would you do that to yourself?

I guess it is the masochist in me. I have something that I need to share with the world. I hate the thought of being trapped in a box. I see myself as a free spirit. I guess I’ve always been a sucker for punishment.

2. How would you best describe the genre you chose to write in?

Earth Door is sci fi, but it is also a thriller. I did something that appealed to me, that I didn’t  want to just slip into a particular conformed space. I think that there are strong elements of both.

3. Do you write in only one genre or do you have more strings to your bow?

I guess I’m still discovering who I am. Writing is fairly new to me and I’m still figuring out which direction I intend/want to take.

4. Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.

My main character in Earth Door is anex- U.S soldier called Bain Edwards. He’s a no-nonsense kind of guy. He’s passionate and loyal to his friends and a good guy to have around in a fight. He does have a softer side, but you have to get to know him to really see it come out.

5. Was/is your relationship with your MC a fun one, or did they give you any problems?

I think he was great fun to create. I wish I could have gone further into his character and explored him a little more deeply. This was my first novel and it has been a huge learning experience. I admit that I have made mistakes, but I have learned so much that I will use in creating my next novel.

6. When writing, are you a fan of a fast food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?

I’ll go for whatever is nearest lol. I am really bad for junk food.

7. Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)

Earth Door is a sci fi thriller set around Stonehenge England. My story essentially, is about an ex-serviceman called Bain Edwards who goes searching for an old friend called Reeve Harrison. When his buddy goes missing, Bain quickly realizes that everything he thought he knew about him is a lie. As Bain begins to unravel the truth, he stumbles onto a truth far more deadly and inexplicable than his most wild imaginings. What secrets lie inside the old monument of Stonehenge and where does Reeve fit in? With the clock ticking, Bain will have to fight not just for his friend Reeve, but for the fate of every other human being on planet Earth.

8. In our crazy COVID world, what keeps you focused on your WIP?

I guess I’m so enjoying writing, that I don’t really need motivation. I have all these crazy ideas bouncing around in my head. I actually have trouble finding the time I need to complete them all.

9. How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?

I am so bad at this. Work takes up so much of my time. Then I have to fit my writing in wherever I can find space. Marketing, well I admit to being extremely lazy. I don’t give it enough time, but it is something I do intend to commit more time to.

10. Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self-publishing?

Well that’s a hard one. I guess you just have to go for the unconventional. I’ve tried loads of different author sites, but essentially they are geared toward authors, so everyone is on there doing the same thing, to sell their books, but not actually buying. I’d go for places like Goodreads. Then maybe buy a few of your own books and leave them on trains, buses etc. Maybe someone will pick one up and tell their friends about it. Local radio stations or newspapers is another option. I guess my best advice would be to just keep plugging away. You are going to have disappointments, but its up to you to stay focused.

11. Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?

They just come to me. I really couldn’t tell you where they come from. They just crawl into my mind and shout “Hey, what do you think of this?”

12. Plotter or Pantser? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener?

Pantser, definitely. I just get an initial idea and see where it goes. Half the fun is the journey.

13.  Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?

I am currently writing two novels parallel to one another. One is called the God Bubble, and this is going to blow peoples minds. I don’t want to give anything g away at this point, but the novel is dark. I guess genre wise. It would fit into horror fiction and/or sci I fantasy. The other novel is called Shadow Hunters and is most definitely a sci fi.

14. How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your





Thanks Cye that was awesome!

Come back Wednesday (16th Sept) when we have an interview with horror writer, P J Reed, author of the Bad Decisions series.

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

Later’s Jynxters!


A moment with Gauri Shanbhag Wagle. Author of – CORPORATE ARMAGEDDON

Hey Jynxsters!

Today we have an interview with Gauri Shanbhag Wagle, author of the intriguingly titled – Corporate Armageddon. Being an old school corporate puppet I was really looking forward to this interview.

So down to business,

You’re a writer, why would you do that to yourself?

I like and enjoy Writing. For me, Writing gives me an amazing platform to express my opinions, thoughts and feelings in a structured form. Writing allows me to develop my ideas into stories and I love to write stories.

How would you best describe the genre you chose to write in?

I chose to write in Contemporary Fiction genre. Contemporary Fiction is realistic fiction which gives the opportunity to write about and describe the social problems or let me say problems and situations faced by humans, in an interesting way, although the story may not be based on someone’s life.

Do you write in only one genre or do you have more strings to your bow?

The other genres that I write in are : Narrative Non-fiction, Romance, Action adventure, Crime thriller….

Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.

My Main character ‘Swarali Mehta’  is an ambitious person with a competitive spirit. She always wants to secure the number 1 spot in whatever she does. However, she is not one of those who would tread the path of deceit or carry out an illegal activity to attain heights. She is an artistic side to her since she is an extremely talented singer. She is a ‘Beauty with Brains’ who can mesmerize anyone with her magnetic personality. Certain unexpected twists and turns in her life transform her from a quiet and tolerant woman to a fierce and courageous woman who dares to fight alone against a powerful group of elite people.

Was/is your relationship with your MC a fun one, or did they give you any problems?

Answer : My MC is purely a fictional character which I created so I have not met her. While writing my novel, I just admired my MC for her indomitable spirit and for me she is a Youth icon.  I never got stuck while writing about any aspect of my MC or any incident involving my MC, in my novel.

When writing, are you a fan of a fast food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?

Answer: I stick to my healthy option on the menu. I consume very little fast food.

Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)

‘CORPORATE ARMAGEDDON’ describes the arduous journey of a young woman named ‘Swarali Mehta’, in her first organization. The story peppered with conflict, carries the undercurrent of the clash between innocent Talent and envious malevolence.

One would recoil in horror on reading the host of ploys which are aimed at exploiting SWARALI. She is caught between Tyranny and the grave Uncertainty about her future.  Does SWARALI win the ARMAGEDDON or war against certain unscrupulous Corporate (so-called) professionals?

It is a saga of courage and determination, which will give you an insight into the dark side of the glamorous Corporate world, while illuminating your spirit with the bright side of  Love. The story interspersed with shocking twists and turns, is a must-read for youngsters who want to sustain themselves in the corporate world, without treading the  path of Deceit. It will catapult the entire hierarchy of Corporate professionals out of their indifference to the misuse of Power.

In our crazy COVID world, what keeps you focused on your WIP?

Answer : My will-power, focus, determination and my spirit to not give up on things, keeps me focused on my WIP.

How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?

Answer : Aah! Marketing or promoting my book is stressful for me and daily I set aside 1 and a ½ hours for this activity, since I cannot give more time than this. For an author, Marketing his book or Book promotion requires him to give a lot more time, especially if the author is not a celebrity or a public figure and sadly, I am not a public figure. However, I try to create my fan base and followers.

Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self publishing?

Answer : I would advise new authors to not just stare into the void of social media marketing, but to actually take a plunge into the ocean of social media marketing which is extremely important to make your book get noticed. New authors should aggressively promote their books and writing. There are different platforms for self-publishing. New authors should self-publish their books on Kobo, Draft2digital, Smashwords. They should also create an audio book form of their e-book. I am in the process of doing all this. It takes some time to publish on the above mentioned platforms, but they should self-publish on these platforms also. Additionally, new authors should avoid Vanity press publishing houses which extort money.

Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?

Answer :  I get ideas from real life. I also get my ideas from the news that we read…At times, I get ideas from my thinking and analysis about various issues.

Plotter or Pantser? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener?

Answer : I am a Pantser, but the first thing that I do is creating an outline for my story, so that my story gets a structured form and the series of events in my story do not become illogical and absurd. I create a rough outline so that I do not get stuck while writing my story. However, I do not spend much time in planning my story or creating the ending scene of my story before I start writing it, so I call myself a Pantser.

Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?

Answer : I am currently self-editing my non-fiction book which elaborates on Negative human traits. I would be soon publishing it. I am also writing another novel in which my character suffers from a health problem and how she deals with it.

How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your time).

My author page links are mentioned below:

Facebook  author  page https://www.facebook.com/gauriswHRdancersingerauthor/?modal=admin_todo_tour

My Goodreads account:


My Linkedin profile  : 


My Instagram handle is https://www.instagram.com/gauri.shanbhag.wagle/

My Twitter page is https://www.twitter.com/gauriartistic

My author website link is https://gaurishanbhagwagleauthor.wordpress.com

For Indian readers , the book link is :

Thanks for a great interview, Gauri, and congrats on the multi-lingual approach, I could learn a trick there.

Come back on Monday (14 Sept) when we have a moment with Cye Thomas, author of the scfi novel, Earth Door.

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

Laters, Jyncxster!

A moment with Colin Anderson, AKA, Kai the Dragon Slayer. Author of Experiment X

Hey Jynxsters,

Today we have an interview with Kai, author of the intriguingly titled, Experiment X.

So let’s get down to business!

1. You’re a writer, why would you do that to yourself?

I enjoy writing, and creating.

2. How would you best describe the genre you chose to write in?

Sci fi mostly.

3. Do you write in only one genre or do you have more strings to your bow?

I’ve started writing horror

4. Tell us some interesting facts about your MC.

He wasn’t as confident in the beginning, and can be a bit sarcastic .

5.  Was/is your relationship with your MC a fun one, or did they give you any problems?

It was a bit of a challenge to create him, but in the in end it was worth it.

6. When writing, are you a fan of a fast food splurge or do you stick to the healthy option on the menu?

Bit of both really, lol.

7. Give me your elevator pitch for your latest project. (Time to sell your work in 30 seconds)

Ryan’s journey comes full circle, uncovering more of where he came from.

8. In our crazy COVID world, what keeps you focused on your WIP?

The story that just unfolds as I write it, and the character interaction.

9. How much of your valuable time do you set aside for the dreaded marketing needed to build a successful social media platform?

As I’ve finished a really good chunk of writing  I sit and brainstorm.

10. Any advice for any new authors staring into the void of social media marketing and the cutthroat world of self publishing?

Never limit of what you write, take criticism with a pinch of salt, keep developing your talent and never give up.

11. Back to your process; where do your ideas originate from?

I take inspiration from what movies I’ve seen and take bits and pieces from them and come up with some very interesting characters and story lines.

12. Plotter or Pantser? Or as it’s now known, Architect or Gardener?

I’d say I’m both, I like to design and evolve the story I’m writing and cone up with good dialogue between the characters.

13.  Is there anything you’d like to tell us about upcoming projects that excite you?

I come up with potential story lines, before I decide on a really good one.

14. How many of your social media links can you list in 10 seconds…and go! (lol, take your time).




Thanks Kai, that was great!

Come back on Friday (11 Sept) when we have a moment with Gauri Shanbhag Wagle author of CORPORATE ARMAGEDDON the story of a young woman in her first organization, sounds very interesting.

And, If you like dark comedic horror ( and who doesn’t), then take a peak at my latest book, Jynx, which is free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.